Developing a vision for Colchester

Ended on the 21 March 2024

Developing a vision for Colchester

Colchester City Council is launching the third phase of engagement in the Local Plan Review, this phase will focus on capturing a vision for the future of Colchester. The Local Plan must set out a vision for the future development of Colchester, addressing needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure – as well as a basis for conserving and enhancing the natural and historic environment, mitigating and adapting to climate change, and achieving well designed places.

Colchester Council invite you to participate actively in shaping the vision for Colchester’s Local Plan Review. Please share your insights about what makes Colchester special today, identifying opportunities up to 2041, and envisioning the city's key attributes in the future. 

(151)Survey Questions

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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