Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
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Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
02 Vision and Masterplan
Representation ID: 10029
Received: 31/07/2023
Respondent: Walk Colchester
Support references to sustainable transport options and walking and cycling. Waits to be seen how manifest in practise are the gains for walkers specifically. Often walking lumped with cycling and treated as if the needs are the same.
Leisure walking should be treated as equally important to utillitarn walking.
Consideration should be given to desirable off road routes and their improvements
Footway widths - instances were width compromised by LCWIP plans
Footway paving choices - support call for design code. Accessibility must be priority.
Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
02 Vision and Masterplan
Representation ID: 10030
Received: 31/07/2023
Respondent: Walk Colchester
Don't rely on building regs and architects to ensure compliance with Part M.
Commit to working with British Standard and Inclusive Mobility.
Masterplan is thin on a disability access perspective.
Aspiration of inclusive access repeated but little what is meant, who aimed at and what solutions
No mention of specific inclusive access issues
No mention of topography issues for disabled people within city centre.
Plan would benefit rom inclusive access section and supporting map
Include development of a user oriented map of all Blue Badge parking in city centre.
No recognition of north to south access issues
Accessibility and building redevelopment/planning consent - CCC should not exempt itself
Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
02 Vision and Masterplan
Representation ID: 10031
Received: 31/07/2023
Respondent: Walk Colchester
Retention of older buildings
Support retention where scope for refurbishment.
Concern wholesale redevelopment of Osborne Street area (number of building should be retained)
New build residential accommodation in city centre, storey height to 4 maximum does not help residents feel connection with ground and open space. All flats should have immediate connection with outdoors.
Local design code for all newly built accommodation
What accessibility standards are being built into new accommodation and how policed?
Creation of cafe culture, restaurant and bar life - residents need to eat ordinary food too. Extremely short of food retail in city centre.
Wide clear walking passages through public realm are important for all walkers but vital for visually impaired walkers. Sitting of street furniture, benches, bins etc align and don't compromise clear passages.
Green public realm must include trees and planting of significant size
Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
02 Vision and Masterplan
Representation ID: 10032
Received: 31/07/2023
Respondent: Walk Colchester
Actively respond to the climate emergency
Strongly support Active Travel goals in principle. Needs and desires of walkers as distinct from cyclists?
RTS - not sure what will look like or how will operate.
Buses - support possibility of frequent shuttle service, advocate extension of this into city centre
City gateways - concern implications for disabled network users.
Improvements to existing car parks - support but hope to reduce car parking provision overall in future
Move away from giving estimated journey times and return to distances - not inclusive
Car lite - support in High Street
City Centre corridors - unclear why north to south walking corridors reduced by the plan. Attention to pick up/drop off points and policies for e-scooters
Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
02 Vision and Masterplan
Representation ID: 10033
Received: 31/07/2023
Respondent: Walk Colchester
Provide a safe, healthy active and accessible city centre
Largely agree. Detail of actual plans that any scheme will be judged on.
Kings Meadow - quite green route, why would we not promote?
Lateral connections are important too not simply in/out town
New public transport initatives must not compromise existing accessibility
Improve pedestrian links - yes to Vineyard Gate to Eld Lane, but not here alone.
Queen Street/St Bots Street and St Johns Street/Osborne St - Disability related issues here.
VI users are not arguing for level surfaces (kerb free). Kerbs are important for navigation for VI walkers supported by guide dogs or white cane users.
Riverside access and amenities
-opposed to human leisure activities on the Colne. Not wide or deep enough.
Doesn't need to be 'animated' in the way suggested
Public realm design code - disability must be a key component
Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
02 Vision and Masterplan
Representation ID: 10034
Received: 31/07/2023
Respondent: Walk Colchester
Diversify City Centre Uses to Encourage Footfall
Support mix of heights, some suggestions are too high eg. First Site and Curzon
Shopping is also for food, not just leisure.
Our market is not great. How can we attract more interesting mix?
What new uses for empty department stores?
No mention of independent shops and food retailers.
Shopfront design strategy, public art strategy - agree.
Mini heritage action zone - include East Street.
Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
03 Design Frameworks
Representation ID: 10035
Received: 31/07/2023
Respondent: Walk Colchester
High Street
Further detailed study should be conducted to ensure sufficient blue badge parking provided across city centre and identify gaps
Cycle contraflow (east to west) High Street - strongly disagree
Blue badge parking on south side does not necessarily result in passengers exiting into path of oncoming traffic, depends if driver or passenger.
Consultation with VI users specifically
Ensure not building in trip hazards
Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
03 Design Frameworks
Representation ID: 10036
Received: 31/07/2023
Respondent: Walk Colchester
Could ground level redevelopment accommodate indoor bus/coach station waiting area?
Former Bus Station Site
Strongly disagree with any changes to 15 Queen Street.
Better signage solution?
Relocation for Visitor Information Centre?
Relocate Food Co-op and Visitor Information Centre to retail space adjacent Curzon
Ensure decent public realm here
Revisit options for fully accessible pedestrian links through Roman Wall from Priory Street to St Bots Priory
Curzon balcony wheelchair accessible
include additional crossing point at Priory St and Vineyard St junction
Consider making proposed crossing point at Priory Walk north of the entrance opposite to Firstsite rather than south,
Widen wherever possible and improve surfacing to footways on both sides
Pay particular attention to the pavement at the corner of Priory St and Queen St (heading up); both sides of the road here are in fact particularly difficult
Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
03 Design Frameworks
Representation ID: 10037
Received: 31/07/2023
Respondent: Walk Colchester
Britannia Yard
Mostly agree, keep separate walk/cycle routes
5 storeys too high
include outdoor access for all flats
disagree with demolition of older buildings on Queen Street
With market gone, feel like a desolate expanse of hardstanding
Vineyard Gate
Need for crossing points here
grant scheme be explored?
Would welcome city centre wide review of accessible parking with user involvement
Onward travel (from city centre) needs consideration
Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
03 Design Frameworks
Representation ID: 10038
Received: 31/07/2023
Respondent: Walk Colchester
St Botolph's Junction
Magdalen Street and St Botolph's Street crossings shown as two stage crossings, not best practise
Not clear whether cyclists will be separated from pedestrians in new public realm on all sides - advocate for separation
entrance to Magistrate's Court and Colchester Town - priority given to pedestrians and cyclists travelling across entrance, rather than to vehicles entering/exit
Welcome plans to enlarge/enhance public ream but views on:
design and quality is important
must feel like a green space
3d/height with mature trees included
wide, clear walking passages through public realm are vital
careful thought to edge between road and public realm for safety and aesthetics.