Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
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Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
Executive Summary
Representation ID: 10001
Received: 28/07/2023
Respondent: Historic England -East of England
General Comments
Lack of evidence underpinning the Masterplan Design Framework - informed and respond to historic environment (i.e HIA for each site). Scale and massing too prescriptive. Should be agreed later and presented as individual Development Briefs for each site (informed by HIA, Conversation Area Appraisals and Management Guidelines). Remove reference to massing, building heights.
Document should define heritage
Improvements/enhancements to heritage assets should be considered (not just setting)
Masterplan should mention Heritage at Risk in Colchester
Layers should work together harmoniously
Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
Executive Summary
Representation ID: 10002
Received: 28/07/2023
Respondent: Historic England -East of England
We are pleased to see the importance given to heritage as a source of community pride and a positive asset for the local economy.
Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
01 Setting the Scene
Representation ID: 10003
Received: 28/07/2023
Respondent: Historic England -East of England
Masterplan boundary should be extended. Area should include the area defined by the historic settlement core including the entirety of the walled Roman and medical town and key arteries i.e East Hill and East Street. Align with Town Centre Conservation Area.
Rational for sites included in Masterplan unclear. Priory Walk and part of St Runwalds Car Park allocated in Local Plan not included. Incorporate projects from Town Deal.
Baseline Appraisal
Pg 18 - New allocation sites provide opportunity to link Castle Park and Abbey Field via St John's Abbey site and St Botolophs
Pg 20 - Largely agree but key findings should be expanded to better represent the importance of City's heritage. Archaeology, Roman Circus, Castle, Jumbo. Garrison Area Conservation Area.
Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
02 Vision and Masterplan
Representation ID: 10004
Received: 28/07/2023
Respondent: Historic England -East of England
Rephrase "protecting and integrating with heritage building" (page 33)
Consider historic fabric and character when making additional built fabric interventions (pg 38) subject to appropriate appraisal.
Pg 42 - Pedestrian connectivity with Roman Circus should encompass wider area via St John's Green and St John's Abbey Gatehouse. Improvements to Roman Circus as a heritage destination, not just connectivity.
Disappointed with retention of existing life and stairs to Eld Lane in Vineyard Gate redevelopment, recommend a more appropriate link to enhance the Scheduled Monument's setting.
Suggest reviewing and relocating proposed blue badge parking away from Town Wall to preserve its setting
Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
02 Vision and Masterplan
Representation ID: 10005
Received: 28/07/2023
Respondent: Historic England -East of England
Pg 44 - proposals affecting scheduled Monuments, or their setting will require a Heritage Impact Assessment. Enhancing accessibility should consider conserving or enhancing heritage assets.
Pg 48 - Support maximising vitality and diversification through mixed uses and residential accommodation which can strengthen the character of historic town centres through sustainable street layouts and reuse of historic buildings
Pg 50 - Lack of evidence informing building heights, density and built form. Disagree with taller scale around High Street/Head Street. Maximum indicative heights premature. Informed by HIAs for each proposed development site.
Pg 56 - supportive of two strategies but consider more could be done to protect and celebrate city's heritage.
Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
02 Vision and Masterplan
Representation ID: 10006
Received: 28/07/2023
Respondent: Historic England -East of England
Pg 60 - Improving visibility, accessibility and future expansion of Roman Circus visitor centre.
Ensure adequate resources for wall repair and maintenance and Town Wall Management Plan actions.
Relevant Conservation Management Plans should be referred to in text and additional Plans prepared for other heritage assets
Below ground archaeology should be referred to in the text