Developing a vision for Colchester

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Form ID: 10877

Wildlife-rich sites such as Local Wildlife Sites (LoWS) and areas within the authority that form part of the Essex Coast Important Invertebrate Area (IIA)1 . LoWS sites, together with statutory sites are vital for supporting local wildlife. IIAs are nationally or internationally significant places for the conservation of invertebrates and the habitats upon which they rely. It is special to have such important wildlife habitat close to the city. • The valuable open spaces that provide important green space for people to have access to nature and to exercise for the benefit of their health and wellbeing. • Middlewick Ranges is a key wildlife sites in the authority area, falling within the IIA as well as being one of the region’s largest LoWS. It is also very important outdoor space for local people to enjoy. The site is irreplaceable and should be safeguarded from development threats.

It is vital that Colchester seeks to protect and enhance its natural environment for the benefit of residents and visitors with ambitious commitments to nature’s recovery. Opportunities must be taken to retain and enhance wildlife-rich sites that act as biodiversity reservoirs. Current and new green infrastructure should be used effectively to ensure these areas are functionally connected to create a resilient network. The LoWS network should be recognised for the immense value it provides to the area and sites, such as Middlewick Ranges, should not be lost to inappropriate development.

Protecting, retaining and enhancingthe important habitats and species at Middlewick Ranges from development. • A place where the value of a healthy environment is central to policy and decision making, benefitting nature and people. • A place where effective action is being taken to restore biodiversity and create a resilient environment for now and the future. Buglife urges Colchester City Council to take this opportunity to include Middlewick Ranges as an important green space within the Local Plan Review and protect it from development.

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