Great Tey Neighbourhood Plan 2022-2033 (Regulation 16)
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Great Tey Neighbourhood Plan 2022-2033 (Regulation 16)
Representation ID: 11011
Received: 17/03/2024
Respondent: Anglian Water Services
Non Policy Action D
To re-iterate our previous comment, we note that the main issues and challenges include poor infrastructure including water and sewerage and this is coupled with Non Policy Action D which states that, “Great Tey Parish Council will lobby infrastructure providers to ensure that local infrastructure services are maintained and, where necessary, improved.”. We would encourage the Parish Council to engage with us to discuss any concerns in relation to our water supply and sewerage infrastructure by contacting our Regional Engagement team at public.***
Overall, we are supportive of the policy ambitions within the Neighbourhood Plan and have no further comments to make. I should be grateful if you could please acknowledge receipt of this representation and keep me updated on further progress made on the neighbourhood plan.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Anglian Water has previously submitted comments on the pre-submission version (Reg 14) of the Great Tey neighbourhood plan. We have the following comments to make on the most recent version of the document.
Policy GTTEY1: Design
We welcome the amendment at para 4.8 (p.22) reference towards greater water efficiency targets through a ‘fixtures and fittings’ based approach to achieve 100 litres per person per day (l/p/d).
As a region identified as seriously water stressed, we encourage plans to include measures to improve water efficiency of new development through water efficient fixtures and fittings, including through rainwater/storm water harvesting and reuse, and greywater recycling. Our revised draft water resources management plan (WRMP) for 2025-2050 identifies key challenges of population growth, climate change, and the need to protect sensitive environments by reducing abstraction. Managing the demand for water is therefore an important aspect of maintaining future supplies.
The Defra Integrated Plan for Water supports the need to improve water efficiency and the Government's Environment Improvement Plan sets ten actions in the Roadmap to Water Efficiency in new developments including consideration of a new standard for new homes in England of 100 litres per person per day (l/p/d) where there is a clear local need, such as in areas of serious water stress.
Non Policy Action D
To re-iterate our previous comment, we note that the main issues and challenges include poor infrastructure including water and sewerage and this is coupled with Non Policy Action D which states that, “Great Tey Parish Council will lobby infrastructure providers to ensure that local infrastructure services are maintained and, where necessary, improved.”. We would encourage the Parish Council to engage with us to discuss any concerns in relation to our water supply and sewerage infrastructure by contacting our Regional Engagement team at public.******
Overall, we are supportive of the policy ambitions within the Neighbourhood Plan and have no further comments to make. I should be grateful if you could please acknowledge receipt of this representation and keep me updated on further progress made on the neighbourhood plan.
Yours faithfully,