Great Tey Neighbourhood Plan 2022-2033 (Regulation 16)
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Great Tey Neighbourhood Plan 2022-2033 (Regulation 16)
Representation ID: 10840
Received: 21/02/2024
Respondent: Essex Bridleways Association
However we do wish to see an amendment to Policy GTTey2 Landscaping B iv to include bridleways. New development represents an opportunity to improve the PROW network, the focus should be on all users, not just pedestrians and cyclists.
Essex Bridleways Association is pleased to see the comments in the Neighbourhood Plan confirming the importance of the PROW network to the area and the importance of its links into the wider countryside (Policy GTTey4: Access to the Countryside). The importance of protecting existing bridleways and seeking to create new bridleways and off-road riding routes cannot be overstated at a time when our roads continue to get busier and busier to the detriment of safety.
However we do wish to see an amendment to Policy GTTey2 Landscaping B iv to include bridleways. New development represents an opportunity to improve the PROW network and the focus should be on all users, not just pedestrians and cyclists.