Great Tey Neighbourhood Plan 2022-2033 (Regulation 16)
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Great Tey Neighbourhood Plan 2022-2033 (Regulation 16)
Representation ID: 11013
Received: 17/04/2024
Respondent: Natural England
Natural England does not have any specific comments on this draft neighbourhood plan
Great Tey Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Consultation
Thank you for your consultation on the above dated 13 February 2024.
Natural England is a non-departmental public body. Our statutory purpose is to ensure that the natural
environment is conserved, enhanced, and managed for the benefit of present and future generations, thereby
contributing to sustainable development.
Natural England is a statutory consultee in neighbourhood planning and must be consulted on draft
neighbourhood development plans by the Parish/Town Councils or Neighbourhood Forums where they consider
our interests would be affected by the proposals made.
Natural England does not have any specific comments on this draft neighbourhood plan.
However, we refer you to the attached annex which covers the issues and opportunities that should be
considered when preparing a Neighbourhood Plan and to the following information.
Natural England does not hold information on the location of significant populations of protected species, so is
unable to advise whether this plan is likely to affect protected species to such an extent as to require a Strategic
Environmental Assessment. Further information on protected species and development is included in Natural
England's Standing Advice on protected species .
Furthermore, Natural England does not routinely maintain locally specific data on all environmental assets. The
plan may have environmental impacts on priority species and/or habitats, local wildlife sites, soils and best and
most versatile agricultural land, or on local landscape character that may be sufficient to warrant a Strategic
Environmental Assessment. Information on ancient woodland, ancient and veteran trees is set out in Natural
England/Forestry Commission standing advice.
We therefore recommend that advice is sought from your ecological, landscape and soils advisers, local record
centre, recording society or wildlife body on the local soils, best and most versatile agricultural land, landscape,
geodiversity and biodiversity receptors that may be affected by the plan before determining whether a Strategic
Environmental Assessment is necessary.
Natural England reserves the right to provide further advice on the environmental assessment of the plan. This
includes any third party appeal against any screening decision you may make. If an Strategic Environmental
Assessment is required, Natural England must be consulted at the scoping and environmental report stages.
For any further consultations on your plan, please contact:
Yours sincerely