Great Tey Neighbourhood Plan 2022-2033 (Regulation 16)

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Great Tey Neighbourhood Plan 2022-2033 (Regulation 16)


Representation ID: 10926

Received: 20/03/2024

Respondent: National Highways

Representation Summary:

Therefore, National Highways offers No Comment.

Full text:

National Highways is responsible for the operation, maintenance, and improvement of
the Strategic Road Network (SRN) in England on behalf of the Secretary of the State. In
the area within and surrounding of the Neighbourhood Plan, we have responsibility for
the trunk road A120.
This current Part 5 Regulation 16 pre-submission consultation is for the Great Tey
Neighbourhood Plan 2022-2033. The development area and scale proposed, it is unlikely
to have any severe impact on the operation of the A120 trunk road.

Therefore, National Highways offers No Comment.

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