Colchester Local Plan Review – Call for Sites Report

Ended on the 5 January 2024


As part of the Colchester Local Plan Review, residents, landowners, developers and other stakeholders were invited to propose land within the Borough that may be suitable for housing, commercial, infrastructure and green infrastructure that they would like to be considered by the Council to inform the preparation of the Local Plan. This process is known as the 'Call for Sites'. This was undertaken from 20 October 2023 to 5 January 2024.

Sites submitted during the Call for Sites are now available to view on the interactive map. This provides the location of the site and limited information including the site address, site area, proposed use and unique ID number. This can also be viewed within the Call for Sites Report.

Please note that these sites are presented for information only at this stage and have not yet been assessed as to their suitability for inclusion within the Local Plan. Just because a site is promoted for development, this does not automatically mean that it will go forward as an allocation in the Local Plan or be supported for development of the proposed use.

All Call for Sites submissions are soon to be assessed against the Strategic Land Availability Assessment methodology as outlined on our evidence base and supporting documents webpage.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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