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Form ID: 11089

A requirement for development to be designed to encourage physical activity and support other health and wellbeing objectives. The role of design in creating environments that encourage physical activity has often been overlooked in design policies. Sport England, with support from Active Travel England and the OHID, has produced ‘Active Design’, a guide to planning new developments that create the right environment to help people get more active. The guidance sets out ten key principles for ensuring new developments are designed to incorporate opportunities for people to take part in physical activity. The Active Design principles are aimed at contributing towards the Government’s desire for the planning system to promote healthy communities through good design (para 96 of NPPF). This approach has also been embedded into the guidance contained in current Essex Design Guide. Active Design offers potential to play an important role in contributing towards the delivery of the emerging Local Plan's vision and strategic priorities relating to design, health, active travel, open space/green infrastructure and climate change.

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Sport England has new guidance on how to prepare design codes that consider Active Design including a checklist that can be applied to developments which can be shared upon request.

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Online (2018 to current)

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The themes relating to health and wellbeing and active design.

Examples can be provided upon request of Local Plan policies, Place Making SPDs, design codes etc that have positively addressed how design can encourage physical activity.

Sport England's new guidance and checklist on design codes attached which includes good practice examples

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