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Results for Tiptree Parish Council search

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Form ID: 11102

A place with essential shops and eating/drinking places within walking distance. Integration of built environment and green space. Good quality design principles used when planning new estates. Traffic flow and pedestrian access carefully considered. Amenities and services.

Community, heritage, services, greenspace

Tiptree is large enough to have all the essential services but small enough for everything to be within walking distance. Integration of green infrastructure but (less good) lacking wide open greenspace for recreation

Somewhat distinctive

Better and affordable public transport aimed at reducing car usage.

Urban Area of Colchester (outside of City Centre), Colchester City Centre, Large Towns and Villages, Small Villages, Hamlets


Railway Lines , Key Road Networks , Rapid Transit Route

No answer given

Good road and rail links precede development, bus routes will follow.


Green Spaces and Ecology, Housing, Employment, Food Production, Retail, Leisure and Culture, Education

Colchester City Centre , Urban Area of Colchester (outside of City Centre)

Building set back with front gardens, walls, railings or hedges. Bespoke spaces for wheelie bins etc. Provision of new technology to increase energy efficiency.

Detached, Bungalows, Semi Detached, Maisonette, Terrace, Flats, Other


Students may prefer specific student areas but generally we consider that a community is most healthy when all age groups are integrated.

The people in it! Good design, ample space, robust construction, energy efficient. Pleasant and safe street design incorporating green space – including room to kick a ball!

No choices made



Tiptree is, of necessity, a very car-dependent community. Street parking, unless well planned, can be inadequate, unsafe and a cause of tension between neighbours. Therefore, homes should have adequate, allocated parking provision.


Ideally within the plot of larger homes, close by for small homes/flats etc.

Don't know

A pleasant environment – safe, tidy, cared-for, attractive with greenspace. Meeting places i.e. halls, leisure centres, easy access open spaces

Primary Schools , Secondary Schools, Universities, and other educational facilities , Community centres/village halls , Open space, allotments and play areas , Sports clubs and centres , Local shops , Leisure and cultural centres , Cafes, restaurants, bars and pubs/public house , Places of worship and cemeteries , Libraries , Doctors surgeries, dentists, hospitals and other medical centres , Other

car parking, transport links, footpaths

The village or town in which you live

No answer given


Colchester City Centre, Urban Area of Colchester (outside of City Centre), Large Settlements, Small Settlements, Hamlets

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

Nothing chosen

No answer given

No answer given

Nothing chosen

To socialise , To exercise , To improve my mental health and wellbeing , Entertain children , Dog walking , Other

To see wildlife

Wildlife areas should be protected and managed appropriately. Newly created areas should be enhanced by landscaping and appropriate planting with native species (preferably of local genetic stock).

Conservation Areas, National Landscapes – Dedham Vale (previously known as Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty), Historic Buildings, Archaeological Sites, Countryside, Rivers and waterways, Coastline

No answer given

Appropriate and UpToDate design guides should be followed with respect to street scene and home construction – in line with the Building for a Healthy Life design standard.

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Kerb-side parking with no laybys. Lack of pavements or pavements not wide enough for a pram, pushchair or mobility vehicle. No wheelie bin (or equivalent) storage area.

No uploaded files for public display

Good architecture, - homes and streets, greenspace



No answer given

Somewhat satisfied

We have learnt from mistakes. An adopted Neighbourhood Plan should ensure better design in the future.


A diversity of shops from small private retail to the well-known stores. Adequate parking and pedestrian spaces. A more imaginative approach to our heritage.

Chain Shops e.g H&M, Boots, River Island etc, Local and Independent Shops, Restaurants, Cafes, Leisure facilities e.g. cinema, bowling, games, Bars/Pubs, Cultural facilities e.g. arts centre, theatre, music venue, Housing, Medical facilities e.g. doctors, pharmacy, dentist, health hub

Access to green spaces, Better accessibility to spaces e.g. not reliant on the car to get there, More connected spaces, Multi-functional or co-located spaces e.g. children’s play area and outdoor gym, Walking/cycling routes, Designated dog walking area, Sports facilities, Improved safety e.g. lighting, pathways, multiple entrances and exits, More variety of spaces, More regular maintenance, Improved accessibility within the space, Access to shops and services

No answer given

Safety concerns , Lack of segregated pathways , Surface of existing pathways i.e. uneven or raised

No answer given

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