Colchester City Centre Masterplan SPD
Delivery Plan
We have developed a separate masterplan delivery outline for Colchester City Council and Essex County Council with information on partnership, financing, and delivery options as well as the high-level actions/process required to implement the initiatives contained in the masterplan.
As the two biggest landowners involved in the masterplan sites, an immediate action will be for Colchester City Council and Essex County Council to determine a suitable partnership arrangement between themselves. They will then need to establish the most effective working arrangements with other parties critical to delivering the masterplan (e.g. business improvement district, community groups, developers).
The pace and process for delivering the masterplan will be affected by these partnerships and arrangements. Based on the current funding and financing arrangements available, we might expect an outline delivery timescale as summarised in the table below (more actions are included in the separate delivery outline). The councils will need to determine more detailed actions as the masterplan progresses, as funding, financing, and partnership circumstances and opportunities are likely to evolve over time.

Next Steps
It is planned that the Colchester City Centre Masterplan is adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document in 2023. This will include further public engagement on this draft, amendments in response to comments, cabinet approval and adoption.