Copford with Easthorpe Neighbourhood Plan

Ended on the 16 September 2022

Asset of Community Value

The Alma Public House - this is currently the only registered asset

The following are currently being considered and may be applied for:

Cart lodge at Green Farm

Copford Church Easthorpe Church Copford Village Hall

Barn opposite the Cart Lodge

Non heritage sites of historic value

Village signs at Copford and Easthorpe

Wrought iron fingerposts and seat at Copford Green

Victorian red letter box c 1881 in garden wall of 43 London Road

Local views, fieldscapes and sites which have high local value and contribute to the nature of the Parish

Copford green

Copford Green Pond by the Cart Lodge

Copford Cricket Club pitch its location and looking towards Copford Hall

Pits Wood and surrounding open aspect views

Keepers Wood

Ponds behind Copford School, Wrigleys Pond by Easthorpe church

Domsey Brook

Field scapes opposite the School to Copford Woods and down to Roman River Copford Plains viewed from Church Road

Hall Road and Aldercar Road-a protected lane

Footpaths throughout Copford and Easthorpe St Marys' Grange setting and views

Open field and woodlands viewed from Easthorpe Road towards Birch and Maldon Road

Copford Oaks –throughout the Parish

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