Great Tey Neighbourhood Plan 2022-2033 (Regulation 16)
Objective 2: Improve the health and wellbeing of the community by maximising access to the countryside for all and ensuring clean, sustainable transport links
5.1 As a rural parish, access to the countryside is very important to Great Tey and its residents. The village has a limited range of public green spaces and community facilities at its heart, therefore access into the countryside is particularly important. The need for access as a means of exercise, to walk dogs and for general wellbeing is vital. Without this, the community becomes reliant on use of the private car to access leisure opportunities elsewhere, which creates lots of short distance car trips that do not contribute positively to sustainability.
Public rights of way in Great Tey
A. Access to the countryside will be promoted through protection and maintenance of the existing Public Rights of Way (PROW) network (as shown in Figure 5.1), its enhancement where possible, provision of bridleways and the safety of users of rural roads and lanes.
B. Proposals to divert PROWs or cycleways should provide clear and demonstrable benefits for the wider community. Where possible, development should enhance PROWs by improving existing routes and improving connectivity through the creation of new routes. The loss or degradation of any PROW will not be permitted in other than very special circumstances. Any development that will impact upon an existing PROW should have regard to Policy DM11 in the Essex County Council Development Management Policies (2011).
C. All development will be required to provide well signposted and safe pedestrian and cycle connections within the site and connecting into the existing wider network, to nearby facilities, amenities, schools, public transport network and integrate with the multifunctional green infrastructure network.
Figure 5.1: PROWs and bridleways
5.2 The NPPF states that 'planning policies should protect and enhance public rights of way and access, including taking opportunities to provide better facilities for users, for example by adding links to existing rights of way networks' (paragraph 104).
5.3 The parish of Great Tey has a dense network of Public Rights of Way (PROWs) and some bridleways, as shown in Figure 5.1. This includes the Essex Way, one of the most important and high quality walking routes through the county.
5.4 The Colchester Local Plan Section 2 site allocation in Policy SS8 – land off Greenfield Drive – is required to deliver at least one hectare of public open space to the north of the proposed residential development. This incorporates PROW number 137 14 and it will be important that the PROW is retained (even if diverted within the public open space) and residents of the new development are given easy access to it.
Public transport services
5.5 The limited available public transport is a significant issue both for residents and workers in Great Tey. The number 82 bus service that links the village with Marks Tey railway station, Stanway and Colchester city centre is not conducive to commuting or for those accessing education. The first bus on a weekday morning does not arrive in Colchester until 08:50, with only a further four buses through the day. The last bus returning from Colchester to Great Tey leaves at 16:15. For those working in Great Tey, the first arrival from Colchester is not until nearly 13:00.
5.6 Whilst not a planning policy matter, the Parish Council will continue to lobby Essex County Council for buses at times which enable commuting for work and education. It will also explore the potential for a community bus to provide the most needed services.
Great Tey Parish Council will work with Essex County Council and local bus providers to deliver bus services that enable community for work and education.
Great Tey Parish Council will explore the potential for a community bus service that can provide some of the most needed public transport services to and from Great Tey.
5.7 Traffic is an issue of concern to a significant proportion of the population of Great Tey parish. In particular, traffic through the village can cause significant issues. Partly this can be congestion but often it is concerns over safety due to speeding. Whilst this is an issue that the Neighbourhood Plan cannot address through planning policies, it is important that these issues and possible solutions are explored. The community would greatly welcome any proposals that would help to make the roadways and pedestrian access – much of which is on the roadway – much safer.