Myland & Braiswick Neighbourhood Plan Review

Ended on the 15 May 2023
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Our objective is that education will be in-step with housing growth.


Local education provision across the spectrum of needs is recognised as key to quality of life and raises the following policy.

EDU1 – CBC as the Local Planning Authority will give due regard and support infrastructure requirements for, as a minimum, early years, primary and secondary education needs for Myland and Braiswick. Such needs, including provision of safe and accessible walking/cycling routes will be identified and confirmed at the time of development application.

Rationale and Evidence

The on-going development of Myland and Braiswick brings a changing demographic with many more young families residing in the Plan Area bringing demands on all aspects of education.

Decorative image. Building.

The Myland Parish Plan expressed a vision for the future "that local children will not need to travel or be driven across Colchester to go to school" and "There will be enough local school places for children from the same family to attend the same school". It is clear from MCC's January/February 2022 survey that this aspiration remains important to families. Whilst all local primary schools are highly regarded, respondents are highly critical of the late provision of the Chesterwell Secondary School and have concerns over future proofing school places in the continuous development era. Ensuring that educational needs are met at the right location at the right time is key. MCC should continue to:

  • engage with Education services on north Colchester future proofing
  • seek new community centres provision of nursery/adult education opportunities • review safe routes and school parking through its Planning & Highways Committee.

Relevant Colchester Local Plan Education Policies and Guidance

CBC Policy DM3 Education Provision – "The Local Planning Authority will respond positively to appropriate and well-designed applications regarding the creation of new school and education facilities. As expressed in the NPPF, the Local Planning Authority will use a presumption in favour of the development of schools and educational uses. The Local Planning Authority will engage in pre-application discussions with promoters to develop a collaborative approach to suitable applications."

NPPF Paragraph 95 states: "It is important that a sufficient choice of school places Is available to meet the needs of existing and new communities. Local planning authorities should take a proactive, positive and collaborative approach to meeting this requirement …"

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