Myland & Braiswick Neighbourhood Plan Review

Ended on the 15 May 2023

Appendix B


The CBC Local Plan reference to Neighbourhood Plans prescribes a number of policies within the Local Plan that neighbourhood plans should comply with. These are listed below with others and with a brief explanation of how this Neighbourhood Plan complies where appropriate.

SP1 – Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development – This is a core theme of the National Planning Policy Framework and as such is integral to the developments underway and planned within Myland and Braiswick.

SP2 – Spatial Strategy for north Essex - All developments within the Borough come under this strategy.

SP3 – Meeting Housing Needs – See Myland & Braiswick Neighbourhood Plan (the Plan) policies HOU1, HOU2 and HOU3.

SP4 – Providing for Employment and Retail – See the Plan policies EMP1, EMP2 and EMP3.

SP5 – Infrastructure and Connectivity – This lays at the core of the collective Plan policies and the MCC committee and working group structure as well the concerns of BRA.

SP6 – Place Shaping Principles – This lays at the core of the collective Plan policies and the MCC committee and working group structure as well the concerns of BRA.

SP7, SP8 & SP9 – Development and Delivery of New Garden Communities in north Essex – Tendring/ Colchester Borders Garden Community – Colchester/Braintree Borders Garden Community. These CBC policies do not directly impact the Plan.

SG1 – Colchester Spatial Strategy – See SP2 above.

SG2 – Housing Delivery – see SP3 above.

SG3 – Economic Growth Provision – see SP4 above.

SG4 – Local Economic Areas – see the Plan policy EMP1.

SG5 – Centre Hierarchy –

SG6/SG6a – Town Centre Uses/Local Centres – see SP5/SP6 above.

SG7 – Infrastructure Delivery and Impact Mitigation – see SP5/SP6 above.

SG8 – Neighbourhood Plans – see this Plan.

ENV1 – Environment – see the Plan policies ENV1 to ENV5.

ENV2 – Coastal Areas – does not impact on the Plan.

ENV3 – Green Infrastructure – see the Plan policies ENV1 to ENV5 and theMyland and Braiswick Green Network.

ENV4 – Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – does not impact on the Plan.

ENV5 – Pollution and Contaminated Land – see SP2 above.

PP1 Generic Infrastructure and Mitigation Requirements – see SP2 above.

CC1  Climate Change-see ENV6 above.

DM1 – Health and Well Being-see Plan policies under Environment, Social Amenity and Sport and Leisure.

DM2 – Community Facilities-see Plan policies under Social Amenity.

DM4-Sports Provision – see Plan policies under Sport and Recreation.

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