Myland & Braiswick Neighbourhood Plan Review

Ended on the 15 May 2023



In the original Plan this subject was additional to those covered in the all-household survey and did not carry an objective. A proposed objective now reads:

To bring together the themes within this Plan to achieve the Plan Vision that Myland and Braiswick will be desirable places to live with quality of life supported by health and well-being across cohesive communities.


DPR1 – Developments will aim to attain the highest quality and design standards and where appropriate encourage the use of relevant national standards by developers in order to achieve the highest possible levels of overall sustainability in the design and layout of new developments.

Rational and Evidence

It is important that the community can be integrated through access to amenities and venues and connectivity can be achieved through road and multi-use routes that provide leisure destinations. This suggests that developments will need to embrace the concept of 'life-time neighbourhoods. These are described as neighbourhoods that provide all residents with the best possible chance of health, well-being and social inclusion, particularly as they grow older. This would require an accessible and pleasant built environment…"

Similarly, a 'Building for Life' industry standard, endorsed by Government constructs sustainable development around: Integration into the neighbourhood (connections/facilities/services/public transport/ meeting local housing requirement); Creating a place (character/working with the site and its context/ creating well-defined streets and spaces/easy to find your way round); and Street & Home (streets for all/ car parking/public and private spaces/external storage/amenity space).

This Plan's review suggest that this objective is being achieved through the policies set across the board and that the aspiration for quality of life for residents at the heart of this Plan remains on course.

Myland and Braiswick will be recognised as welcoming and attractive places to live by residents, visitors and those passing through.

Decorative image. Trees in park.

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